Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Module Summary

1. Foremost, I learned about who Einstein is. I learned how smart he was to come up with all his theories and postulates even though others criticized him. I learned about how Einstein Theory of Relativity makes sense. Through my thorough study of black holes, gravitational lensing, and the red shift of light, I was able to understand concepts that substantiate Einstein's theory. These concepts were very deep and hard to understand. It was very hard for a bright high school student like myself to pick up on these theories and astrological occurrences from only the internet. I think I would have understood easier and much better if I had a teacher. I hope we can further learn about these things in class because they are very interesting.

2. This took 3 full class periods and over 10 hours of work at my house.

3. I would enjoy a similar short course. What I would change is having a teacher give you in introduction into what I am about to dive into. I also think that we should have had more time. Furthermore, due to the short course, I did not have time to focus on retaking my test on sound. I would have liked to take this short course after we had finished all of the unit on sound. Completing the volo and doing this short course was A LOT of work. All in all, I enjoyed the short course and would do it again if that was the only subject we were focused on in class.      

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