Sunday, April 3, 2011

Module 2 Blog 1

This module was very interesting and very confusing. Einstein had to be a genius to come up with these theories of relativity. I understood the video with the train experiment in how the time in which something happens is relative to each observer. What sparked my interest was how someone in space ages slower than someone on the earth. I did not quite understand this process. Although a lot of the relativity process make sense with the formulas, they do not seem like they happen in real life. I would like to experiment on these concepts in the lab. That would be rather fun.

 On another note, I passed my quiz with a 100%. So far these modules have been very interesting and require much in depth thinking in order to grasp.

What I looked up was on time dilation

According to Wikipedia, passengers in fast moving vehicles can go further into the future without aging very much. There immense speed slows down the rate of on-board time. So since their going at such fast velocity, there time slows down. So 1 year in space travel might correspond to 10 years on earth. Scientists try to use this theory to prove that the Big Bang theory occurred over several million and billions of years.

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