Friday, April 1, 2011

Module 1 Blog 2

The next part on module one was about time and velocity. Your video and the Nova quiz helped me understand why the speed of light is always constant. Also, I learned that two velocities coming from two different sources will be combined if they are in the same line of movement depending on the position of the observer. I am very confused, however, how the NOVA quiz said that a person on earth sees someone tie their shoe lace at a slower pace than how they are actually tying it.  I hope to be able to understand this concept in the next modules.

In this interesting article, a scientist expands upon the example with the ball moving in a train. Since the earth rotates around the sun, how fast is the ball really moving. Since the universe is expanding, the earth rotates around the sun, the train is moving, and the ball is rolling, isn't it fair to say that if these are all moving in the same direction that their speeds should be added up to derive its full universal velocity? I'm not sure if this is true, but I found the article very interesting.

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