Sunday, April 3, 2011

Module 3 Response to Introduction

1. Although the introduction was very long, I found it very interesting. Penrose gave readers a brief overview of the achievements and setbacks of Einstein when compared to other scientists. I agreed with Penrose quote that "space-time travel is really chronometry, not geometry." The theory of relativity when compared to the space-time continuum is a measure of time, not only coordinate units. According to Penrose, clocks are a more accurate measure of the space-time geometry rather than rulers. This statement is correct because time is a great factor in the theory of relativity.

"Einstein's difficulties with the subjectivity and lack of realism in the way that quantum theory has developed. I would concur with him that the modern quantum theory is an incomplete theory, and that new developments must be waiting in the wings that may very well supply us with a new quantum revolution; perhaps comparable with Einstein's own general relativity." I think thats it interesting how Einstein did not believe the quantum theory was sufficient. He and Penrose believe that there is much more to be discovered about this theory.

2. What I found interesting was that several scientists had thought of the ideas in the theory of relativity, but never put it to work in science as Einstein did. Outstanding physicists like Dutch scientist Hendrick Antoon Lorentz and French scientist Henri PoincarĂ© had already thought of Einsteins theories years before him. The reason they did not put this theory into action may have been due to the technology of their era. On another note, I found it interesting that a year before Einstein's birth, he compiled a list of reasonings in which he thought would set breakthroughs for science. Some of his predictions for the future were true; however, many of them ended up being nothing.

3. Penrose provided the theory of black holes as physical evidence to Einstein's theory. Einstein claimed that gravity had a major role in his theory of relativity. Black holes are created when gravity in a tightly dense area causes a collapse in any star or similar being. Thusforth in a black hole, the objects are said to have infinite values. Onward, entropy increases with time. Within a black hole, entropy must be very high considering it takes a long time for such occurrences.

On another note, Mercury's orbit confirmed Einsteins theory. "The most impressive confirmation of Einstein's theory during his lifetime was an apparently anomalous orbit precession of the planet Mercury." Joseph Taylor and Russel Hulse observed and timed its orbital motions of 30 years to conclude that time was relative to speed and position.

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